
I have 5 freaking blogs to keep track off!

And they say I'm not addicted to the internet.

Today as I was doing my daily routine of checking out Twitter, I saw that deviantART, a art website of all sorts, was a trending topic. Curiosity got the better of me and I clicked to see what was freaking up. i saw that the site was celebrating its anniversary.

So since I have visited the site numerous times, I decided to join the site and to my surprise there was a journal part of the account. Now I have to manage another journal thingy ma-jig.

Well that is life.

Today was the General Assembly of all the new recruits of the GG FM. I met a lot of people who were supposedly have gotten into the DJ Pool but due to their people skills got into Marketing. haha.

Well that about wraps it up.

kai-Out! Internet Frenzy!