

I want to rant. Well I'm already lashing out to everyone...

I've had the worst possible day in my current entire life. I lost my USB and then I lost money.

You know I lost my USB at around 11 and I was already getting over it and then the other thing happens. And it just opened the gates and I went up to the office and cried. I was really hoping that people would be there but again I was also pleased that I was pretty much alone in the office.

That was until Justin came.

I tried to not tell him or tried to contain my crying but it was just that hard to. He sat opposite me and let me cry it out for a while. Finally I decided to tell him.

In a while, letting out was a way to calm myself or even get me to cheer up a bit. Especially with Justin's quirks and other things. Justin has been a very good friend and I'm so thankful that he was the only person who saw me like that earlier...

I felt bad because I basically ruined Erika's day basically of leaving her all of sudden because I just couldn't be that friend for her if I was in that bad of a mood...

But now, have to get back to work. Thinking positive and not let anything like a bad day ruin my entire life.